Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Organizing Update + Drawing Challenge

Hi, folks!  You may remember last week's post about my plan to get organized.  Well, week one went pretty well.  I did some journaling and gave myself some "me" time and generally accomplished most of my goals for the week.  The only thing I didn't manage was finding time to exercise.  My plan was to get up early and go for a walk, but I was feeling a bit under the weather most of the week (thanks, weather) so that didn't happen.  But I'm not giving up!  I'm going to keep working on it.

This week is all about organizing my schedule.  I've been sort of organized in this area for a while, so it's nice to  get down to it and really get a handle on things.  I've started one big To Do list of everything I need to do, and I have to say, it felt great to put all of that down on paper and get it out of my head.  If I'd known just writing things down would make me feel that much better, I'd have done it a long time ago.

Now, then.  In other, more creative news, I've taken on another challenge.  I came across this 30 Day Drawing Challenge a few months ago, and with all the business of the end of the year out of the way, I decided to give it a shot.

I always loved drawing, but I never felt like I was very good at it, so I got discouraged rather easily.  Eventually it got to the point where I rarely even attempted it.  Lately, however, I've been meaning to pick it up again and try to just enjoy the process without worrying too much about whether or not my drawings were any good.  So the challenge was the perfect thing to give me a jumpstart.  I started yesterday, and I have to say, I'm quite pleased with my first two drawings.

Both were cleaned up and colored in Photoshop because I just couldn't resist.  I can't guarantee I'll upload everything I draw this month, but I'll certainly post my favorites at least.  

Anyone else done any drawing lately?  I'd love to see your work! 

Note:  You may have noticed my drawing are marked with a Tumblr URL.  That's because I posted them on my new crafty Tumblr too!  If you're on Tumblr come follow me at phantasmagoriumhandmade.tumblr.com!

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